Here is a list of all the changes in previous versions of DragThing:

5.9.17 | 5.9.16 | 5.9.15 | 5.9.14 | 5.9.12 | 5.9.11 | 5.9.10
5.9.9 | 5.9.8 | 5.9.7 | 5.9.6 | 5.9.5 | 5.9.4 | 5.9.3 | 5.9.2 | 5.9.1 | 5.9
5.8.1 | 5.8 | 5.7.2 | 5.7.1 | 5.7 | 5.6.4 | 5.6.3 | 5.6.1 | 5.6
5.5.1 | 5.5 | 5.3.1 | 5.3 | 5.2.1 | 5.2 | 5.1.1 | 5.1 | 5.0.1 | 5.0
4.6.1 | 4.6 | 4.5.2 | 4.5.1 | 4.5 | 4.3.1 | 4.3 | 4.2.1 | 4.2 | 4.1 | 4.0.2 | 4.0.1 | 4.0
2.9 | 2.8 | 2.7 | 2.6 | 2.5 | 2.1 | 2.0
1.6.2 | 1.6 | 1.5.1 | 1.5 | 1.1 | 1.0.2 | 1.0.1 | 1.0

DragThing 5.9.17

Released: 16th November 2016
Application Size: 12,614,649 bytes

  • Fixed a problem with badges on application icons not showing.
  • Fixed a problem loading colour sets.
  • Fixed a problem opening links in the Help menu.

DragThing 5.9.16

Released: 28th October 2016
Application Size: 12,549,551 bytes

  • Added support for Sierra.
  • Fixed problem with discrete GPU always being used on macOS Sierra.

DragThing 5.9.15

Released: 6th August 2016
Application Size: 12,788,995 bytes

  • Fixed online ordering link.

DragThing 5.9.14

Released: 2nd June 2016
Application Size: 12,799,508 bytes

  • Added support for El Capitan.
  • Changed some of the dock themes to better match the appearance of El Capitan.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing causing the cursor to become stuck system-wide.
  • Fixed a problem with translucent docks showing phantom icon outlines.
  • Fixed a problem with icons drawing in the wrong place with reflections enabled.
  • Fixed a problem with double-clicking a dock titlebar.
  • Fixed a problem with drawers not always opening.
  • Fixed a problem with the software update check always failing.
  • Fixed a problem with items displaying “?!” not being selectable.
  • Fixed a problem with label colours not drawing on the icon.
  • Fixed a problem with Classroom Mode.
  • Fixed a crash with VoiceOver.
  • For John Siracusa.

DragThing 5.9.12

Released: 8th October 2013
Application Size: 12,739,640 bytes

  • Added support for Mavericks.
  • Reduced the size of dock files significantly, and improved loading times.
  • The “Hide DragThing icon in Apple Dock” option is currently disabled on Mavericks, due to an OS bug.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing freezing on Mavericks.
  • Fixed -120 error when trying to save docks.
  • Fixed -600 error when starting up.
  • This is a highly recommended update for all users on 10.9.

DragThing 5.9.11

Released: 14th August 2012
Application Size: 12,612,664 bytes

  • Fixed a problem when saving dock files on Lion and Mountain Lion.
  • This is a highly recommended update for all users on 10.7 or 10.8.

DragThing 5.9.10

Released: 24th July 2012
Application Size: 12,611,766 bytes

  • Added support for Mountain Lion.
  • Fixed a problem where docks wouldn't open when display mirroring was on.
  • Fixed a rare permissions problem when saving docks.
  • Fixed a number of memory leaks.
  • Hiding the dock icon no longer modifies the application.
  • DragThing now requires Mac OS X 10.7.4 or later.

DragThing 5.9.8

Released: 21st October 2011
Application Size: 12,394,838 bytes

  • Fixed a problem that stopped DragThing from opening or saving docks on 10.7.2.

DragThing 5.9.9

Released: 10th February 2012
Application Size: 12,395,890 bytes

  • Fixed a problem that could cause DragThing to crash on 10.7.3.

DragThing 5.9.8

Released: 21st October 2011
Application Size: 12,394,838 bytes

  • Fixed a problem that stopped DragThing from opening or saving docks on 10.7.2.

DragThing 5.9.7

Released: 25th August 2011
Application Size: 12,553,817 bytes

  • Added support for Lion.
  • Changed some of the dock themes to better match the appearance of Lion.
  • Fixed a crash with floating docks on Lion.
  • Fixed a crash when editing text clippings on Lion.
  • Fixed a crash when using DragThing Sounds on Lion.
  • Fixed a problem with software update not working on Lion.
  • Fixed a problem control+option double-clicking dock items to do a "Get Info" on Lion.
  • Fixed a problem excluding items from the Process Dock on Lion.
  • Fixed a problem with "path to me" when running AppleScripts from a dock on Lion.
  • DragThing now requires Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later.

DragThing 5.9.6

Released: 1st May 2010
Application Size: 17,071,550 bytes

  • Fixed a problem that stopped DragThing from opening on 10.6.4.

DragThing 5.9.5

Released: 5th November 2009
Application Size: 17,070,974 bytes

  • Fixed a problem with docks not coming to the front on Snow Leopard.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Ignore Exposé" option for docks and the Desktop Trash on Snow Leopard.
  • Fixed a problem drawing minimised docks.

DragThing 5.9.4

Released: 25th August 2009
Application Size: 16,930,173 bytes

  • Added support for Snow Leopard.
  • Added a new dock theme, "Marble", for Snow Leopard.
  • Added an option to highlight 32-bit applications when running on Snow Leopard.
  • Added an option for docks to ignore Exposé on Snow Leopard.
  • Now display the number of unread tweets on the icon of Twitterific.
  • Fixed the "Ignore Exposé" option for the Desktop Trash on Snow Leopard.
  • Fixed a problem clicking windows when the DragThing icon is hidden from the Apple Dock on Snow Leopard.
  • Fixed a problem that incorrectly flagged some applications as running in Rosetta.
  • Fixed a problem with the Process Dock sometimes showing long application names.
  • Fixed a problem with changes to dock sorting not being saved on quit.
  • Fixed a problem importing folders and disks from the Apple Dock on first run.
  • DragThing now requires Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later.

DragThing 5.9.3

Released: 4th June 2008
Application Size: 17,104,079 bytes

  • In order to work round a serious bug in 10.5.3, the Desktop Trash will no longer appear in all Spaces by default. If you use Spaces and want the Desktop Trash appearing in all of them, set DragThing to appear in all Spaces in the "Exposé & Spaces" section of System Preferences.
  • Worked round many problems with Spaces on 10.5.3.
  • Fixed a problem with dock windows not coming to the front on 10.5.3.
  • Fixed a problem with the Process Dock not sorting correctly by launch time on 10.5.3.
  • Fixed a problem with aliases not being followed when adding items to docks.
  • Fixed a number of problems on Leopard.

DragThing 5.9.2

Released: 20th December 2007
Application Size: 17,113,757 bytes

  • This is the 50th release of DragThing!
  • Added an option to sort hierarchical folder menus by date or kind (in Item Options).
  • Added a new dock theme, "Panthera Lite", a slimmer version of the default theme.
  • The Process Dock now updates when application names change.
  • Fixed a problem showing version and hot keys at the end of item names.
  • Fixed a problem with dock item tool tips still showing while Time Machine was active.
  • Fixed a problem with the wrong window being selected after closing a dialog.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing sounds constantly using a lot of CPU.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing's Desktop Trash and Path Finder's Desktop.
  • Fixed a problem with "Keep Arranged" when dragging from one layer to another in the same dock.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Minimalism" dock theme.
  • Fixed a number of problems when DragThing's icon was hidden in the Apple Dock on Leopard.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to display the contents of smart folders with no items in them.

DragThing 5.9.1

Released: 1st November 2007
Application Size: 16,976,312 bytes

  • Added a new dock theme, "No Glass", to match the side variant of the Leopard Dock.
  • Added an option to display specific docks in all Spaces on Leopard.
  • Added an option to only insert items into docks when the Command key is down.
  • Added an "Exclude From Dock" command to the contextual menu for items in the Process Dock.
  • Reduced the default spacing on many dock themes - you can increase it again in Dock Options.
  • Fixed a problem with minimised docks creeping across the screen.
  • Fixed a problem with the Process Dock always showing long application names.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing not always coming to the front.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Anodised Aluminium" dock theme.
  • Fixed a number of problems on Leopard.

DragThing 5.9

Released: 18th October 2007
Application Size: 16,388,135 bytes

  • You can now finally insert and rearrange items in docks without needing to make space first!
  • You can now drag URLs and other data directly onto application icons in docks.
  • Added an option to draw reflections for dock icons.
  • Added a new dock theme, "Panthera Pardus", which is now the default DragThing look on Leopard.
  • Added two new dock themes, "Heads Up" and "Ghost", to match the HUD windows on Leopard.
  • Added support for live document icon previews in docks on Leopard.
  • Added support for previewing many more kinds of documents using Quick Look on Leopard.
  • Added support for showing EXIF data for photos when previewing.
  • Added support for "Secure Empty Trash" on Leopard.
  • Added support for the F17, F18 and F19 function keys on the new keyboards.
  • Added support for copying and pasting clipping items via AppleScript.
  • Added an option for spring-loaded applications, for switching applications while dragging.
  • Added an option to show the hot keys for a dock item on the icon or as part of the name.
  • Added an option to turn off font smoothing for dock text.
  • Added Leopard style tooltips and other user interface elements.
  • Text clipping item names now automatically update to reflect contents, unless changed manually.
  • You can now temporarily disable "Hide other applications when switching" using the Caps Lock key.
  • Improved preview of images with transparency.
  • Moved contextual menu commands into a "More" submenu for folder and disk items.
  • Fixed a drawing problem when rearranging tabs by option-clicking and dragging.
  • Fixed a problem creating shortcut files when dragging URL items to the Finder.
  • Fixed a problem adding some background apps to the exclusion list for the Process Dock.
  • Fixed a memory leak related to custom ColorSync display profiles.
  • Fixed a number of problems on Leopard.

DragThing 5.8.1

Released: 31st May 2007
Application Size: 15,685,993 bytes

  • Added a new dock theme by Martin Harding: "Dashboard".
  • Added an option to lock the position of docks.
  • Fixed a problem with drawers not always opening.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Toggle Dock Hiding" hot spot not always hiding docks.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing not always quitting when sounds are switched on.
  • Fixed a rare crash when renaming docks.
  • Fixed a crash when running the "Dock Test" AppleScript.

DragThing 5.8

Released: 16th May 2007
Application Size: 15,577,965 bytes

  • Added extensive support for importing drawers from "Drop Drawers X" in partnership with Sig Software. DragThing is now the official upgrade path for Drop Drawers, and a special discounted price is available.
  • Added two new dock themes by Martin Harding: "HUD Panel" and "Light Panel".
  • Added an option to move drawers completely offscreen when they are minimised, just like the Apple Dock.
  • Added an option to maximise drawers when you move the cursor over them even when they are obscured by other windows.
  • Added an option to only maximise drawers when the cursor is at the edge of the screen.
  • Added an option to minimise drawers when you click at the edge of the screen.
  • Added support for the "Vienna" RSS reader.
  • You can now align tabs anywhere within a dock, not just at the beginning, middle or end. Hold down Command and click and drag the tabs to move them.
  • You can now set window translucency separately for minimised and maximised docks.
  • Made it easier to resize docks by clicking and dragging at the edges.
  • Improved display of text styles in clipping edit windows.
  • Fixed a problem pasting clipping items using hot keys in some applications.
  • Fixed a problem converting URLs to clipping items.
  • Fixed a problem with custom dock theme settings not being saved.
  • Fixed a problem with the colour of the running application indicator for some layer styles.
  • Fixed a problem playing old System 7 sound files.
  • Fixed a problem drawing the "Anodised Aluminium" dock theme.
  • Fixed a rare crash when clicking on docks with layer transitions enabled.

DragThing 5.7.2

Released: 22nd February 2007
Application Size: 15,172,573 bytes

  • Added three new dock themes: "Anodised Aluminium", "Black Ice", and "Minimalism".
  • Added an option to automatically paste clippings into the most recently used application when you open them.
  • Added a "Paste Clipping Into" menu to paste clippings into specific applications.
  • Added an "Edit Clipping…" menu item.
  • Reverted DragThing sound code back to using QuickTime for playback for now to fix sound problems.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing not opening automatically.
  • Fixed a problem with some older Java applications being highlighted with the Rosetta badge.
  • Fixed a problem adding items with "keep arranged" on.
  • Fixed a problem with tab appearance settings with dock themes on.
  • Fixed a number of problems with DragThing on pre-release versions of Leopard.

DragThing 5.7.1

Released: 18th December 2006
Application Size: 14,907,763 bytes

  • Fixed a rare crash in 5.7 when saving docks that contained applications with malformed version information.
  • Fixed a cosmetic problem with the animation shown when opening items.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Unselect dock items in background" option.

DragThing 5.7

Released: 14th December 2006
Application Size: 14,900,654 bytes

  • Added an option to highlight all non-native Rosetta applications in your docks.
  • Added support for running AppleScript script bundles.
  • Added "New Dock", "Open Dock", and "Save All" commands to the DragThing menu bar icon.
  • You can now choose a different font to be used for dock tabs.
  • Significantly improved the speed of running AppleScripts with DragThing.
  • Significantly lowered the CPU usage of DragThing sounds, and fixed a number of related problems.
  • Improved the speed of dock drawing.
  • Improved the quality of vertically drawn text.
  • Fixed a drawing problem with the toolbar text on Intel.
  • Fixed a problem dragging multiple clippings on Intel.
  • Fixed a problem opening very long URLs.
  • Fixed a problem with the Window Dock when set to sort by "most recently used".
  • Fixed a problem dragging applications to the lists in the Preferences window.
  • Fixed a problem with the Dock Paint window appearing blank.
  • Fixed the keyboard shortcuts for "Next Dock" & "Previous Dock" on Intel.

DragThing 5.6.4

Released: 30th March 2006
Application Size: 12,574,573 bytes

  • Fixed a problem on Intel Macs that could prevent you from dragging documents onto some applications.
  • Fixed a problem on Intel Macs displaying the number of unread messages on application icons.
  • Fixed a problem on Intel Macs with the highlighting of running applications.
  • Fixed a problem on Intel Macs displaying the version numbers of applications.
  • Fixed a problem on Intel Macs with the volume of DragThing sounds.
  • Fixed a problem moving dock files containing text clippings between Intel and PowerPC Macs.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

DragThing 5.6.3

Released: 5th January 2006
Application Size: 12,548,207 bytes

  • Added support for Intel-based Macs.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

DragThing 5.6.1

Released: 15th July 2005
Application Size: 10,012,032 bytes

  • Worked round a problem in Mac OS X 10.4.2 that stopped DragThing windows coming to the front.

DragThing 5.6

Released: 12th April 2005
Application Size: 10,003,777 bytes

  • Added support for Tiger, including displaying the contents of Smart Folders in contextual menus.
  • DragThing can now display previews for clippings and icon files.
  • You can now paste images with translucency as custom icons in the "Item Options" window.
  • The "Textures" section of the Preferences now supports many image formats including TIFF and PNG.
  • Added support for VoiceOver and other assistive technologies.
  • Added support for online crash reporting using Zonic BugReporter.
  • Added "missing" property for dock items to AppleScript dictionary.
  • Fixed a problem that caused a blank white area to appear while resizing docks.
  • Fixed a problem with docks moving slightly each time DragThing was opened.
  • Fixed a problem adding rows and columns to auto-arranging layers.
  • Fixed a problem highlighting Classic applications.
  • Fixed a problem drawing the contextual menu previews.
  • Fixed a problem setting the URL for items via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a problem typing Japanese text into text fields.
  • Fixed a problem with truncated dock text on Jaguar.
  • Fixed a problem dragging text files to BBEdit windows.
  • Fixed a problem reading the version number for some applications.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Confirm find results" option for missing items.
  • Fixed a problem with all Finder windows coming to the front when you opened a folder.
  • Fixed a problem with KRM registration only being used for English language users.
  • Fixed a crash when clicking on docks.
  • Fixed a crash importing the contents of the Apple Dock.

DragThing 5.5.1

Released: 21st December 2004
Application Size: 8,932,349 bytes

  • Fixed a problem drawing certain layer styles correctly.
  • Fixed a problem dragging clipping files.
  • Fixed a problem opening URLs and running scripts from folder contextual menus.
  • Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the wrong items to be opened from folder contextual menus.
  • Fixed a problem with the "Never Hidden Applications" and "Excluded Applications" lists.
  • Fixed a problem with alert windows opening in the background when the Dock icon was hidden.
  • Fixed a problem opening "Readiris Pro".
  • Fixed a problem with the clipping window font and size settings not working on 10.2.
  • Fixed a crash editing text clippings on 10.2.

DragThing 5.5

Released: 9th December 2004
Application Size: 8,914,631 bytes

  • Added full support for spring-loaded folders.
  • Added cool effects when switching between layers including fades, zooms, spins, and wipes.
  • Added a restricted "Classroom Mode" designed for using DragThing in a lab, classroom, or home environment.
  • Added support for editing text clippings stored in docks.
  • Added an option to hide the DragThing icon in the Apple Dock.
  • Added an option to keep specific items permanently listed in the Process Dock.
  • Added an option to disable all menu keyboard shortcuts.
  • Added an option to show the count displayed on application icons at the end of the item name.
  • Added an option to choose the font and size used for text in clipping windows.
  • Added an option to only activate hot spots with the mouse button down.
  • Eclipse is now listed in the Process Dock.
  • Finder labels are now displayed in folder contents contextual menus.
  • File information is now displayed in the preview contextual menus.
  • Improved the File menu and dock contextual menus to make it easier to add items to docks.
  • Updated unread message count support for the latest versions of SpamSieve, NetNewsWire, PowerMail, and Eudora.
  • The running application indicator is now drawn using the dock text colour.
  • The Script menu now supports aliases to folders.
  • The "Contextual Menu Items" folder in the Scripts folder now supports aliases.
  • Application icons can now display negative numbers returned by scripts.
  • Changing the visibility settings for one dock no longer affects the visibility of other docks.
  • You can now set custom "Open With" applications for files with no default application.
  • DragThing now recognises URL clipping files created by Safari.
  • DragThing now recognises AppleScript files without type and creator information.
  • Clipping names are preserved when dragging to and from the Finder.
  • Clippings are now given more descriptive names.
  • The correct cursor is displayed when dragging a clipping file or URL to a dock.
  • The "Quit" and "Force Quit" contextual menu commands now include the name of the application.
  • Highlighting of hidden applications in other docks no longer requires the Process Dock to be showing.
  • Added AppleScript properties to docks, layers, and items to get the index and ID of a given object.
  • Added AppleScript properties to windows to get the dock, layer, or item object the window is associated with.
  • Creating a dock or layer via AppleScript will return the new object.
  • Application icon counts now draw correctly if the "Helvetica-Bold" font is missing.
  • DragThing will now notice if an item has changed when you open it, and update the icon and version information.
  • Fixed a problem with application icon counts not being displayed.
  • Fixed a problem where only one item was replaced when dragging multiple items to a folder in a dock.
  • Fixed a problem with applications staying in the Process Dock after they had quit unexpectedly.
  • Fixed a problem with Hot Spots unexpectedly activating when the mouse button was released over one.
  • Fixed a problem with contextual menu scripts opening rather than running.
  • Fixed a problem setting layer styles via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a problem dragging to some applications like Fetch.
  • Fixed a problem searching for missing items with locked or read-only docks.
  • Fixed a problem adding certain applications to the lists in the Preferences and Dock Options.
  • Fixed a problem deleting clipping items which had been made from URL items.
  • Fixed a problem setting colour or texture names to an empty string.
  • Fixed a problem setting the selection via AppleScript.
  • Fixed a problem importing items without a type or creator from XML dock files.
  • Fixed an error message when dragging a dock item to a locked disk.
  • Fixed white flash when showing DragThing.
  • Fixed drawing problems in thousands of colours.
  • Fixed icons in the Sounds section of the Preferences window.
  • Fixed a crash when getting clipping data via AppleScript for an item that wasn't a clipping.

DragThing 5.3.1

Released: 9th September 2004
Application Size: 9,100,031 bytes

  • This release fixes a number of problems displaying the number of unread mail messages on application icons.
  • The unread count for Entourage now includes the inboxes of all IMAP, Hotmail, and Exchange accounts.
  • The unread count for Entourage now works for localised versions.
  • Due to a bug in Entourage v.X, trying to rebuild the mail database or switch identities while the unread count display is switched on in DragThing may cause Entourage v.X to crash. Switch the "Update application icons" popup menu to "Never" in the Advanced section of the DragThing Preferences in this case. This bug has been fixed in Entourage 2004.
  • The unread count for PowerMail now includes the inboxes of all IMAP accounts.
  • The Eudora unread count display has been disabled by default due to excessive CPU usage with a very large inbox.
  • Fixed problem with the NetNewsWire unread count being twice the actual number in some cases.
  • DragThing no longer writes identical script errors to the console more than once.
  • DragThing no longer tries to obtain the unread count for applications which aren't scriptable, such as NetNewsWire Lite.
  • The splash screen now displays for a maximum of two seconds.

DragThing 5.3

Released: 2nd September 2004
Application Size: 9,081,438 bytes

  • DragThing now can display the number of unread messages on the application icons of Mail, Entourage, Eudora, Mailsmith, PowerMail and NetNewsWire.
  • iCal now displays the correct date on the application icon.
  • iTunes now has "Play / Pause", "Next Song" and "Previous Song" commands in its contextual menu.
  • Finder now has "Sleep", "Restart", "Shut Down" and "Log Out" commands in its contextual menu.
  • Mail, Entourage, Eudora, Mailsmith and PowerMail now have "Compose New Message" and "Get New Mail" commands in their contextual menus.
  • Added support for adding commands to the contextual menu of any application using AppleScript.
  • Added support for drawing styled text in the preview windows for text clippings.
  • Added a contextual menu command for converting clippings into plain text.
  • Added a contextual menu command for converting clippings into URL items and vice versa.
  • Added an action button to the clipping preview windows.
  • Added an option to sort the Window Dock by the most recently used windows.
  • Added an option to disable Command-W to close docks.
  • Added an option to highlight hidden applications in all docks.
  • Added an option to display a warning dialog if you try and open too many items at once.
  • Added an option to bring the Finder to the front at startup.
  • Now draw running application indicators like those in the Apple Dock.
  • Now draw number of items in trash on all trash icons.
  • You can now set actions to be performed after opening items, including minimising and hiding docks.
  • You can now edit the list of applications that don't hide other applications when switching.
  • Fixed -1407 error when saving docks.
  • Fixed problem saving custom icons for disk, folder and script items.
  • Fixed problem saving position of Desktop Trash.
  • Fixed problem saving position of minimised docks.
  • Fixed problem displaying hot key to open Finder selection.
  • Fixed problem displaying hierarchical menus for folder items.
  • Fixed problem setting textures via AppleScript.
  • Fixed problem opening items with "Path Finder" support enabled.
  • Fixed problem with preview contextual menu commands with "Show in submenu" enabled.
  • Fixed problem with custom colours not moving when re-ordering layers.
  • Fixed crash renaming items in a layer kept arranged by name and sorted by column.
  • Updated support email address in application and documentation.

DragThing 5.2.1

Released: 10th June 2004
Application Size: 8,114,727 bytes

  • Holding down option while double-clicking a clipping will copy it to the clipboard.
  • Dragging or copying a clipping now increases its usage count for auto-arranging.
  • Disabled hot key to paste clippings on Jaguar because it doesn't work there.
  • Fixed problem saving changes to the list of apps in Dock Options.
  • Fixed a crash editing the name of a dock item.

DragThing 5.2

Released: 3rd June 2004
Application Size: 8,108,360 bytes

  • Added support for storing any data as clippings in docks:
    • You can now paste into docks to create clippings and URL items.
    • You can now drag any data into a dock to create a clipping.
    • You can now drag clippings from DragThing into other applications.
    • You can now drag to folders in docks to create clippings and URL items in that folder.
    • You can now copy and paste files from the Finder into DragThing.
    • You can now get and set the clipboard using AppleScript.
    • Added clipping item hot keys to copy to and from the clipboard, and directly paste a clipping into the frontmost application.
  • Added hot keys to switch forwards and backwards through the Window Dock.
  • Added support for "Undo" when removing layers and dock items.
  • You can now drag things like email attachments to folders in docks.
  • You can now select folders in the "Import..." dialog again.
  • Improved import and export of URLs.
  • Improved automatic naming of URLs.
  • Added new Danish localisation by Mogens Thyregod.
  • Added new Simplified Chinese localisation by JT Lee and Rick Chen.
  • New icon by Marcus Conge.
  • Fixed a memory leak when saving docks.
  • Fixed a problem with recent items not being saved.
  • Fixed a problem dragging folders to DragThing's icon to import them.
  • Fixed a problem with detecting URLs when dragging text into docks.
  • Fixed a problem with saving the "Sort by column" layer option.

DragThing 5.1.1

Released: 26th April 2004
Application Size: 7,655,960 bytes

  • Added "Open With" submenu to preview contextual menus.
  • Added "Get Info", "Show Original" and "Path" items to the contextual menu for windows in the Window Dock that are documents.
  • Added a "Remove Dock" command to the File menu.
  • You can now drag documents in the Window Dock to other docks and the Finder.
  • You can now export docks as folders or XML files using AppleScript.
  • DragThing will now save any changes to AppleScripts after running them.
  • Process Dock now shows short application names again by default.
  • Switched on "Save Automatically" by default.
  • Previews for PDF files only show the first page again.
  • DragThing will no longer open dock files that are in the Trash.
  • Now display better error messages when opening and saving docks and other files.
  • Improved speed of opening and quitting DragThing.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing not quitting on restart, shutdown, or logout.
  • Fixed a problem with dock files being damaged when the disk was full.
  • Fixed a problem with labels for dock items being forgotten.
  • Fixed a problem with layers not arranging automatically when moving items to another dock.
  • Fixed a problem recording AppleScripts.
  • Fixed a -50 error when trying to "Get Info" or "Show Original" on windows in the Window Dock.
  • Fixed a rare crash when closing Process/Disk/Window docks.

DragThing 5.1

Released: 8th April 2004
Application Size: 7,610,304 bytes


Completely rewritten preferences and dock storage:

  • Docks are now saved as separate files and can be opened and closed at will.
  • Docks can be exported and imported as XML files.
  • Docks can be shared between different users.
  • Added support for read-only docks.
  • Added support for dock stationery.
  • Added support for workspaces.
  • Application preferences are stored using the Mac OS X "defaults" mechanism.
  • No more updating preference files when running a new version.
  • No more corruption of preferences files if your machine crashes.
  • No more 16 megabyte limit for preference files.
  • No more preference files!

Much improved Desktop Trash:

  • Added an option to show the number of items in the Desktop Trash.
  • Added an option to open the Desktop Trash with a single click.
  • Added an option to float the Desktop Trash above all other applications.
  • Added an option to draw a dark background behind the Desktop Trash to make it easier to drag to.
  • Added an option to empty the Trash on specific disks.
  • Added an option to display a warning dialog when emptying the Trash.
  • Added an option to lock the position of the Desktop Trash.
  • Added an option to stop Exposé moving the Desktop Trash.
  • Added an option to change the Desktop Trash text size on Panther.
  • Added a new hot spot action to toggle floating the Desktop Trash.
  • Desktop Trash now uses Panther style selection highlighting.
  • Trashes now display an Eject icon and name when you drag a disk to them.
  • Contextual menu for Trash now shows number of items.
  • You can now set a custom Eject icon for the Trash.
  • You can now hold down control and command when clicking the Desktop Trash to empty it.

Improved dock visuals:

  • Added three new window styles including Metal.
  • Added two new translucent layer and tab background styles.
  • Added support for Metal styles on Jaguar.
  • Added an option to use custom fonts for each dock.
  • Added an option to scale the dock text size on Panther.
  • Added an option to control the direction of vertical text drawn in docks.
  • DragThing and Compact tab styles now look better against dark backgrounds.
  • Item names now draw using the correct highlight colour on Panther.

Improved contextual menu previews:

  • DragThing can now show previews for more kinds of documents, including text files and Adobe InDesign documents.
  • Added a number of useful commands to the preview menus including "Copy To Desktop".
  • DragThing will no longer try to show previews for very large images or PDFs.

Added options to control how Exposé affects docks.
Added new "Item Options" hot keys to open the current Finder selection with a specific application.
Added a "Hide Dock" command to the File menu.
Added a "Duplicate Dock" command to the Edit menu.
Added an option to display status icons (locked, read-only etc) in the name bar.
Added an option to show the version in the name bar.
Added an option to show the version at the end of the name for dock items.
Added an option to show the version on the icon for dock items.
Added hot key mapping for F16 key on new Apple keyboards.
Docks snap to the middle of the screen and other docks while dragging.
Hold down the Control key while dragging a window to see the snap grid.
You can now choose which application opens a particular folder or disk item.
You can now lock the Process, Disk, and Window docks to stop dock settings being changed.
Added new Traditional Chinese localisation by Rick Chen.

Improved AppleScript support including "every" and "whose" keywords.
Improved error messages when DragThing is unable to open items.
Improved messages when opening and saving.
Improved dialogs when copying or moving items to a folder in a dock.
Improved handling of "ghost" items in the Window Dock.
DragThing will unhide itself if necessary when asked to show docks.
DragThing will now try to use the Finder if "Enable Path Finder support" is on, but Path Finder isn't currently running.

Fixed a problem renaming items in a layer set to arrange automatically.
Fixed a problem tabbing between dock items.
Fixed a problem displaying the label for the startup disk in the Disk Dock.
Fixed a problem when deleting dock items.
Fixed a rare crash when clicking on docks.

DragThing 5.0.1

Released: 20th November 2003
Application Size: 6,741,882 bytes

  • Fixed a problem which caused drawers to disappear when dragged to the top of the right hand side of the screen.
  • DragThing can now display previews for video and sound files.
  • The Window Dock now highlights the frontmost window of the frontmost application.
  • Added an option to choose if layers are sorted by column or by row.
  • Added an option to sort layers by kind.
  • Added an option to show the kind of a dock item in the Name Bar.
  • Holding down option and dragging an item onto a docked folder makes a copy again.
  • Holding down command and option and dragging an item onto a docked folder makes an alias.
  • DragThing now shows appropriate "Copy" and "Make Alias" cursors when dragging to docks.
  • Improved quality of Finder aliases created by DragThing.
  • Clicking on a icon's selection area is now treated as a click on the icon itself.
  • Added "Special Characters..." item to the Edit menu on Panther.
  • DragThing now notices when the system "Appearance" changes and redraws its docks.
  • Moved DragThing's Desktop Trash above Path Finder's desktop window.
  • "Del" key now deletes selected dock items.
  • Dock size indicator now only appears after the size has been changed.
  • Folder contextual menus only display contents in a submenu if you ask them to.
  • Hot spots for the sides of the screen no longer include the corners.
  • Added a "Save a copy as..." button to the preferences upgrade dialog.
  • Preferences dialogs now display the version number of files being opened.
  • Fixed a problem opening server aliases from the folder contextual menus.
  • Fixed a problem with the Desktop Trash appearing full when it was empty.
  • Fixed a drawing problem with "Fill With Texture" texture mode.
  • Textures no longer incorrectly apply to translucent docks with Aqua layer styles.
  • Don't show "Minimise" command for windows that can't be minimised.
  • Display correct localised name for "Network" item in Disk Dock on Jaguar.
  • Fixed -600 error when moving dock items to the Trash with no Finder running.
  • Fixed a problem with DragThing not immediately creating another backup preferences file when you clicked "Use Backup".

DragThing 5.0

Released: 16th October 2003
Application Size: 6,673,969 bytes


Full support for Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" with many Panther-only features:

  • Added a "Window Dock" which can display a list of all open windows, just the currently minimised windows, or the windows of the frontmost application.
  • Added an "Open With" popup menu to the Item Options windows, so you can choose which application opens a particular document or URL dock item.
  • Added an "Open With" contextual menu item for both documents and URLs.
  • Added three new "Metal" dock styles.
  • New Panther style labels and selection highlighting.
  • New Panther style animation when opening items.
  • New Panther style Preferences and Dock Options windows.
  • Now using faster Panther APIs for managing icons and drawing text.

New and improved contextual menus:

  • Added an option to display previews of images in folder and item contextual menus.
  • Added an "Open Recent" contextual menu item for applications which tracks documents dropped onto them.
  • Added "Add/Remove Row" and "Add/Remove Column" contextual menu items for docks to create and remove spaces without shuffling items around.
  • Added a "Label" submenu to folder contextual menus.
  • Added an option to show windows in application contextual menus.
  • Holding down Command while selecting a file or folder from any contextual menu in DragThing will show that item in the Finder. Holding down Option will show the "Get Info" window.

Cool new dock looks:

  • New anti-aliased DragThing style tabs.
  • Added a new "Compact" tab style.
  • Added an option to display large icons in tabs.
  • DragThing tabs now truncate automatically if there isn't room.
  • More control over the background and translucency.

Dock arranging made easy:

  • Added an option to keep layers arranged automatically.
  • Added an option to reverse the sorting order when arranging layers.
  • You can now arrange layers by the most frequently used items.
  • Layers arrange by row or column depending on dock orientation.
  • Arranging layers by label now sorts into the correct label order.

Hotter hot spots:

  • Multiple hot spots and actions including bringing DragThing to the front, hiding, showing, and minimising docks.
  • You can now use a hot spot to bring DragThing to the front during a drag.

Super sound support:

  • Added optional sounds effects for actions like inserting and ejecting disks, emptying the Trash, and many more.
  • Long shutdown sounds are no longer cut off when quitting DragThing.
  • Sounds in "/Library/Sounds/" are now listed correctly.

Desktop Trash the way you want it:

  • You can now set a custom name for the Desktop Trash and manually position the label.
  • Added an option to hide the Desktop Trash name.
  • Added a "New Trash" menu item so you can create multiple Trashes in any dock.
  • Added "Defaults" button to reset Desktop Trash settings.

Many other great improvements:

  • Added an option to show the Desktop in the Disk Dock.
  • Added an option to show a Network item in the Disk Dock.
  • Added an option to suppress drawing labels.
  • Added an option to use traditional yellow tool tips.
  • Added an option to draw icons in black and white.
  • Added an option to switch on hiding of the Apple dock at startup.
  • DragThing is now a single icon which can be drag installed.
  • Much smarter dock resizing which lets you "push around" items from any edge.
  • Improved control over dock anchoring.
  • Now display a size indicator while resizing docks.
  • Drawers open automatically while editing options.
  • Folder contextual menus automatically show the contents of very large folders in a submenu.
  • Name bars truncate in the middle again.
  • Set a minimum delay for showing contextual menus on click and hold.
  • You can now drag URL clipping files to folders in docks.
  • Process and Disk Dock items now display labels correctly.
  • Reversed scroll wheel direction for horizontal docks.
  • Stopped drawers from accidentally opening while a menu is being displayed.
  • Icon compression is now automatically switched on when opening big preferences files.
  • Fixed crash when dragging a drawer to the middle of the screen.
  • Fixed redraw problem when showing contextual menu for tabs.
  • Fixed problem with the path contextual menu on certain file servers.
  • Fixed problem with "Undo" and "Redo" for text fields.
  • Fixed problem detecting preferences files that were already in use.
  • Fixed various cosmetic problems on Panther.

This is a major new version of DragThing which now requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later.

It costs US $12 to upgrade to DragThing 5 from any previously purchased version of DragThing. The trial period for this version has been extended to two weeks so you can try all the new features before you buy.